I'd made a travelling cage
put him in with a sprig of Millet and placed him on the car dash, he nibbled the Millet for the next 1/2 hour then went to sleep on it. Descided to call him Millet there and then
There was a new cage waiting for him at home
but he spent the next few hours exploring the front room
from day 1 he was fearless and super friendly
I'd open his cage in a morning and he'd hop out onto my finger then fly to the shape then the window ledge to shout at the garden birds then back onto me. It took him a few days to realise there was a floor, a whole new world
but the shape was his favourite spot
for the next 3 years he had the freedom of the house only going in his cage to sleep the rest of the time pestering me to play with him, or the grand-daughter Nadi

one of the last photo's I took of him

then a couple of weeks back I was playing with him, and the toys, on the floor when he flew back into his cage, after tea he was still there so I offered my finger he hopped on and I sat down to watch a film with him, he seemed normal may be a little quiet and head under wing went to sleep. The phone rang I put him on the chair cushion went to the phone came back he chirped tried to stand up but fell over I picked him up stroked and talked to him, he chirped then fluttered once and died in my hand

I buried him in the back garden -Fly High Millet