Friday, 10 June 2011


Decided to have a Stoop bagging day !
Archaic - a pillar or post
variant of dialect stulpe, probably from Old Norse stolpe; see stele
An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface

First stop the Black Lane Ends Pub (again!) I mean you have to make sacrifices to be a Blogger, and I was not alone as who did I meet in the pub but Mike Knipe forcing him self to drink Beer ! (in the interest of science !) after he'd got the Bear's autograph and taken a photo we parted company Mike heading North West and myself North East to the Porridge Stoop 001 on the map @ SD 95075 48424
This marking  the original Green Lane cross roads from Keighley to Clitheroe and Skipton to Colne this is where the Packhorse Trains used to meet to trade in Oatmeal and Salt

from here drove (no pun intended) towards Keighley via the steep hill out of Sutton-in-Craven, where just as it levels out there's an old boundry stone by the roadside 001 on the map @ SE 01613 42148

There was no clear view down the Aire valley to Skipton today with the November like cold rain

It was then a drive round to Pole Hill Stoop 004 0n the map @ SE 01395 41686

with a look over the wall to the road

with the rain getting heavier it was back to the van with the Hitching Stone on the horizon

see with some pack horse route  info.
just thought I'd share cheers all Danny


  1. We got wet too...brrr...
    I must say, I've not noticed any of these stones before which is probably a comment on my poor observation.
    Nice to meet you both and the bear in the boozah.
    Nice beer too. I suspect we'll be back.

  2. "Stoop and room" was an early Scottish mining system, where the "stoop" or pillar of coal was left to support the roof, and the coal cut away all round it to form the "room".
    Just thought I'd mention it.

  3. Hi Mike ditto on meeting and the rain was November cold brrr! indeed.
    Hi Oldmortality funny it really means upright or pillar, where's now you here it as bent forward or hunched,there's some old disused roofing Flag quarries up on the moor nearby and they built a derric?(crane) to load the horse and carts all around it then moved it and started again leaving a pillar. Right that's the next Blog sorted I'll credit it to you
    cheers both Danny
